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The Latest Posts From Creative Online Sites

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Hello world!
Welcome to Creative Online ….Us By creating this site I hope to not only have a place to share and practice my own creativity online but eventually, you also. There is much work to be done and the details will be worked over time – as requirements and wishes are encountered. In the interim, I…

Art Study – Eye 1
Did I mention that as I’ve been lost in virtual photography in SecondLife that my desire for realistic looking “photographs” has lead me to spending lots..I mean LOTS of time in Photoshop trying to fix things like wardrobe failures and less than optimal hair?  I’m sure I have but in case the effort I was…

The Future is Bright
Christi and Aedan are back together discussing the future direction of VReam Art. They both have a lot going on but will also be collaborating much more in the future.

Perseverance “Spring passes and one remembers one’s innocence. Summer passes and one remembers one’s exuberance. Autumn passes and one remembers one’s reverence. Winter passes and one remembers one’s perseverance.” ― Yoko Ono Once again winter is upon the north hemisphere. Despite an unusually warm end of the year holiday season, 2022 has come in with…

Welcome 2022
Each passing year amazes me. The accomplishments, the failures and the surprises. Even more shocking is how quickly they pass. It seems that only months ago we were saying Happy New Year to 2021 and now here we are once again. Honestly, I did not accomplish all I had hoped to last year. The low…

Character Development
Please don’t think I am writing from any position of real experience since I’m still poking around with the idea of writing my first novel. The fact is that like most anybody starting down this road, I’ve never had anything beyond editorial letters published. However, the little experience I do have tells me there is…

Sticks in the Fire
Sticks in the fire.  I suppose one might think of marshmallows and fun evenings when they hear those words. Then some of us might feel the weight of being overwhelmed when those words are muttered.  I’ll raise my hand to be included in the latter group. Creativity has a way of consuming us. I suspect…

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Hello world!
Welcome to Creative Online . This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

Hello world!
Welcome to Creative Online . This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

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